Concordance search
The Concordance dialog allows you to find entries in the translation memory or LiveDocs corpus that contain specific words or sequences of words directly from the translation document. Using this feature, you can easily look for the context of source-language or target-language words. Concordancing involves finding all entries which contain the expression you are looking for and presenting them in a way that you can easily see the context in which they appear. Besides a sequence of words, you can also search for parts of words, or segments that contain all the words you specified.
See also memoQ Help:
How to:
When you translate in the translation editor, you can press Ctrl+K to open the Concordance dialog (or click the Concordance icon in the toolbar).
- If you enter several words in the Text field for searching, only those segments are added to the filtered set which contain any of the entered 'words'.
- If you put a part of the filter term in quotes, that part is treated as a whole, and only those segments are filtered which contain exactly the text within the quotes, even if that text is part of a larger word.
Example 1:
Filter term: aaa bbb ccc
Segments found:
xxxx aaa xxxx
yyyy aaa bbbb yyyy
zzzz ccc zzzz
wwww aaaa bbb ccc wwww
Example 2:
Filter term: "aaa bbb" ccc
Segments found:
yyyy aaa bbbb yyyy
zzzz ccc zzzz
wwww aaaa bbb ccc wwww
Example 3:
Filter term: "aaa bbb ccc"
Segments found:
wwww aaaa bbb ccc wwww
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