Corrupt .mprx file
Description: External causes such as crashes or anti-virus programs can damage the .mprx file in your project's folder.
How to:
Create a new project with the same language combination as the original project was.
Attach a TM to the new project.
Close memoQ.
Copy the Documents folder, and the DocumentData.sdf file from the old project's folder into the new project's folder, overwriting the current files.
Open memoQ.
Open the project - DO NOT open the document for translation.
Select the document(s) and on the Preparation ribbon, click the Confirm and update button.
Now you have a translation memory which you can use to pre-translate the original document after reimporting them.
As an alternative method, you can try the following:
Right-click on the document and export it as a bilingual (.mqxlz) file.
Import the bilingual file into a new project and continue working
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