Bilingual file formats and track changes
You can export a bilingual file from memoQ, import it into another tool, and reimport it back into your memoQ project to update your existing file. You can also receive a bilingual file which you import into your memoQ project, and export it again as bilingual, e.g. receiving a SDLXLIFF, import it into your memoQ project, translate it, export as SDLXLIFF again and send it to your client.
Scenario 1: Other tool - memoQ - Other tool
- You have a document in your project, no matter where it came from (a DOCX, IDML, or SDLXLIFF file).
- You export the document into one of memoQ's bilingual file formats, e.g. Table RTF or MQXLIFF, then you sent the file to your colleague.
- In some other tool (someone else's memoQ, or any tool that can handle XLIFF or Word files), your colleague edits the file, and sends it back to you.
- Now, when you import the file, memoQ will find an ID in the file (you can see it at the top of the e.g. Table RTF), memoQ recognizes that the document is part of your project, and updates the translations in the document inside memoQ. Along the way, memoQ creates minor versions, so that you can see the changes to each *target* segment in track changes.
Scenario 2: memoQ - other - memoQ
- You add a document to your project. The document happens to be bilingual file from a different tool, e.g. SDLXLIFF. It is just a document in the project.
- If a new version of the document is created, that is for meomQ a *source* revision, and it is reimported, not updated. For all that memoQ knows, it can be a completely different file (with a different number of source segments, containing completely different text). This is why tracking changes in the target segments does not make sense. You can always fetch translations from a previous source revision using X-translate, and you can compare the old and the new source segments in History/reports. You can export the changes as two-column view.
The major difference between Word and memoQ is that Word works with monolingual text flow, while memoQ works with bilingual, segmented text (segments). This is the reason for track changes for minor versions (target segment history for a single source revision) and X-translate and the two-column comparison for major versions (source document revisions).
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