Delivering projects in .sdlxliff format
Context: Your client requires that you send him back a .sdlxliff file but hasn't sent you the source file in that format.
Description: Although memoQ can work with .sdlxliff files, unless your source file was already an .sdlxliff memoQ cannot export towards that format.
How to: You have three alternatives if you wish to work with memoQ:
- You can ask your client to send you an .sdlxliff file to work with rather than the initial source format.
- You can import and export your source document into a .sdlxliff with SDL studio if you also own a license.
- You can return a clean and an unclean version of the source document plus the TM in TMX format so your client can recreate the .sdlxliff on their own.
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