How to process DITA files
There are two things in memoQ and memoQ server regarding DITA.
1.:A filter configuration for the XML filter, a set of options for the XML filter to tell how to process a DITA file as XML. This is part of the client only.This is not part of the memoQ server installer at all, only memoQ client installer. If it shows up on a memoQ server in the resource console, it is there because a user published it from their memoQ client.
The DITA filter configuration is also a special animal, a so-called "convenience resource."
The "factory version" of this is installed with memoQ clients on a fresh install. However, when you update/upgrade memoQ, it is overwritten only if there were no local changes to it.
The concept is that users get a filter config with their memoQ installation. It is editable though, so it is quite likely some users will edit it. Then, the installer must not overwrite (destroy) the user's changes.
If you want to get the factory version, delete the file from
and restart memoQ. Then, at the next restart, you'll get the factory version from
On servers, again, this filter config is not part of the installer, a default installation just doesn't have it, and the only way it could get on a server was by a user publishing it there.
2.: There is also an actual standalone filter for DITA files. This is part of both memoQ and memoQ server. It is in the form of a DLL file, one of the software modules of memoQ and memoQ server. As such, it is always overwritten with the factory version when you install, update, or upgrade memoQ.
You see this as a supported file type in memoQ, and it is chosen by default when importing a file with one of the DITA extensions.
When building a cascading filter, you see the DITA filter (the DLL), not the filter configuration.
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