Using network drives only in a virtualised (Citrix) environment
Description: You are using Citrix or other virtualization with multiple application servers and users don't have access to local drives, only network drives. You want to use memoQ but memoQ does not support network drives for resource storage.
Fix: In cases where you use virtualization such as Citrix XenApp, you may have multiple application servers for load balancing. As a result, you don't want to use local drives for storing data, because the next time the user logs in, they may be logged in to another computer. Users are encouraged to use network drives, and local drive contents are wiped off after logging off.
memoQ does not support storing resources on network drives, but local projects can be stored on network drives. If you are using a memoQ server (and in such cases you are), you can store all translation memories, term bases and LiveDocs corpora there. There is no need to store these locally, and as a result, moving large chunks of data is not necessary. Configuration and light resources need to be stored locally.
To resolve this issue, under My memoQ > Options > Options > Locations, configure memoQ to store projects on a network drive. While translation memories, term bases and LiveDocs corpora need to be stored locally, make sure that you don't use them from the local folder but rather publish them in the Resource Console to the server. Muses and Light resources need to be stored in a local folder. Save this configuration. I suggest that you store these under C:\memoQ or some other easy-to-reach location, inaptly named folders.
Once you are done, create some scripts for login and logoff. During logoff, the contents of the above-configured folders need to be moved to the network drive before wiping the data off. You need to copy yet another folder: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\MemoQ on older systems, or C:\ProgramData\memoQ on newer systems.
During login, do the opposite: copy the above folders back from the network location to the local location. The amount of data you are moving is probably less than 2 MB at a time.
There are also tools like Flex taking care of this, but you can also write your own scripts.
For more information on virtualization, please refer to memoQ virtualization guide.
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