4. memoQ in multi-user mode
Isolating resources
Normally, memoQ cannot be started more than once on a computer. This is necessary because resources such as translation memories, term bases, and LiveDocs corpora are stored in a shared location (under %PROGRAMDATA%\memoQ), so that the same set of resources are available to all users on the computer. However, for performance reasons, memoQ needs exclusive access to these resources when they are in use.
If memoQ is installed in the multi-user mode, these resources are not stored in a shared location. Instead, they are stored in the user profile for each user (under %APPDATA%\MemoQ by default). The default locations can also be configured separately for each user.
Licenses required
If you plan to run memoQ on a terminal server, you need to acquire a CAL license pool. Contact your account manager at memoQ Zrt. to obtain a trial or purchase a license pool. You need a memoQ TMS to manage these licenses.
Standalone CAL server no longer available: You can no longer use a standalone CAL server to distribute CAL licenses. If you already have a license for the standalone CAL server, you can still install it, but it will not work with memoQ versions released in 2016 or later (that is, 7.8.150 or newer). The standalone CAL server was discontinued from January 1, 2016, and no new licenses can be purchased for it.
License pool size determines how many users can start memoQ on the server at the same time. One user cannot start more than one instance of memoQ.
The license pool can include licenses for both the translator pro and the project manager edition of memoQ. Only a limited number of users are entitled to run the project manager edition. When memoQ is installed, it also installs a tool called the memoQ Terminal Server configurator, where you can grant or deny users to use memoQ in the project manager edition, or in the translator pro edition (see section 5).
No support for resources in shared folders
memoQ does not support the shared storage of translation resources (translation memories, term bases, and LiveDocs corpora). If two or more instances of memoQ attempt to use the same resource at the same time, only the first instance will be successful.
If you need to share resources among your team, use memoQ TMS to publish them.
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