translation process
- Accessing local memoQ projects from both home and work machines
- Adding a new inline tag
- Accents not being exported correctly in Excel
- Adjusting fuzzy matches
- AutoPick offers the same numbers twice
- Autotranslatables translation pair in parentheses matched but not translated
review functionalities and QA
- Deleting LQA errors
- Differences in word counts
- Editing an inline tag
- How do I change my QA settings
- How to fix false or missing warnings about punctuation marks in memoQ's QA module
- How to localize a LQA model
project updates
- Attribute values mixed up in a document coming from a Transit package
- Bilingual file formats and track changes
- Convert SDLTM and SDLTB without SDL Trados Studio or MultiTerm
- Exporting fully formatted bilingual (unclean) Trados DOC or RTF
- memoQ's bilingual export formats
- Reimport link is grayed out
terminology work
- Corrupt TermBase file
- Corrupt TermExtract file
- Disabling the capitalisation of terms
- Editing extracted terms
- Extracted term translation
- Fuzzy matching in term bases
translation memories
- Configuring TM, context matching and multiple translations
- Corrupt TM (translation memory)
- Corrupt TranslationMemories.xml file
- Creating a TM from an .xls file without splitting cell content
- Dealing with duplicates in TMs
- Dealing with Wordfast TXT
settings and options
- Editing autotranslation rules use of userdefined and existing elements
- How to merge stop word lists
- Install Hunspell spellchecker
- Keyboard shortcuts in memoQ
- List of naming exceptions for projects
- Resetting the translation interface layout
machine translation
- Can I use an MT plugin with the Translator Pro demo
- GoogleMT plugins requests a new API key
- Impossible to pretranslate target segments with machine translation
- Installing Google Translate API plugin in memoQ
- Installing Let'sMT plugin in memoQ
- Installing Microsoft Translator MT plugin in memoQ
memoQ client customization options
general troubleshooting
- Changing the language code added to the filename from files exported by memoQ
- Cleaning unnecessary tags with TransTools Document Cleaner
- Corrupt .mprx file
- Corrupt Preferencesproxy.XML file
- Corrupt Project Registry file
- Empty project list on the memoQ dashboard