translation process
- Accessing local memoQ projects from both home and work machines
- Adding a new inline tag
- Accents not being exported correctly in Excel
- Adjusting fuzzy matches
- AutoPick offers the same numbers twice
- Autotranslatables translation pair in parentheses matched but not translated
- Can't use AutoPick by pressing CTRL
- Deleting projects doesn't delete the files
- Delivering projects in .sdlxliff format
- Disabling or configuring predictive typing in memoQ
- Exported XML does not look identical to original XML
- Files don't import or export at all when multiple versions of memoQ are installed
- Filtering options for the translation grid
- General Error Updating view but view is dirty
- How To Control html tags as external or internal
- How to export a file as UTF8 without BOM
- How to process DITA files
- How to use the fragment assembly
- Importing Adobe Illustrator files into memoQ
- Importing an Excel or Word file may fail with an error message mentioning tags
- Importing java properties and character encoding issues
- Importing Microsoft Publisher files
- Importing multiline text with the regex text filter
- Importing Multiterm XML term bases into memoQ term bases
- Keeping track of project progress from the translation window
- MQXLIFF format
- Multilingual XML filter
- Numbers in memoQ
- Pre-translate copies the source text into the target
- Rules regarding Lock and Unlock in memoQ